- Special Sales
- Cheaper by the Roll
- Group Ordering
- Bulk Special Sale
- Individual Ordering
- AA Medallions Asstd
- AA Aluminum Tokens
- AA Silver & Gold Coins
- Al-Anon Medallions
- AA Anniversary/B'Day Bronze
- Color Anniversary & Gifts
- Special Designer Coins
- Founders Medallions
- Assorted Affirmation
- Bronze Affirmation & Serenity
- Special Categories
- AA/Al-anon Desire Chips
- Unique AA Bronze
- NA Medallions
- Keycharms
- Serenity Prayer Coins
- Cards | Gifts
- AA Recovery Jewelry
- Ladies Gifts
- Keyrings
- Court Phase Coins
- Custom
AA Coins
Mission Statement
Our intentions are to support, empower, inspire and encourage individuals to gain sobriety and to create long term relationships with support groups and treatment centers. It is our hope to bring the best service and merchandise to the recovery community. We have created the most professional website, easy to use for individuals and groups. Please feel free to give us any feedback you wish. We also would like to get new ideas from you and try to implement them into our pages. You can use the area below for an easy way to tell us what you think and how we can improve. It is an honor to serve the recovery community with AA Medallions, AA Coins, AA Chips, AA Tokens, Anniversary Coins, Recovery Medallions, AA Recovery Coins, and Special Gift Coins and Key Tags.
Thank you – Bob F. (S.D. 10/23/73)
Contact Us today for more information
AA Recovery Coins
About Us
Sober Medallions serves AA, groups, individuals in recovery, retail locations and rehabilitation centers, drug courts and many other organizations that are committed to helping individuals in recovery. We carry the traditional AA style anniversary medallions, aluminum tokens, AA Coins, AA Recovery Coins, AA tokens, gold & silver medallions, hand painted gift medallions, key tag with coins, AA chips, recovery medallions and other recovery gifts.
If you would like to send me any comments and suggestions fill out the form below: